Prime Tuple Database

Prime p0= 6919940122097246303 starts of symmetrical tuple of 19 consecutive primes (SPT).
dn: 0 48 30 60 60 6 6 54 24 6 6 24 54 6 6 60 60 30 48
an: 0 48 78 138 198 204 210 264 288 294 300 324 378 384 390 450 510 540 588
All 19 integers pn = p0+an = pn-1+dn are prime and there are no other primes in the gaps.
diameter: 588
Found by: ChelseaOilman
db: batch=113, k=19, 48 30 60 60 6 6 54 24 6
(todo: need make correct select from sql)
TPT(14)69199392715751661410 2 6 8 90 92 138 140 156 158 180 182 216 218-850522080162
STPT(10)69199395681085468670 2 24 26 42 44 60 62 84 86-553988699436
STPT(10)69199399680444606290 2 18 20 30 32 42 44 60 62-154052785674
SPT(17)69199401220972463510 30 90 150 156 162 216 240 246 252 276 330 336 342 402 462 49248
SPT(15)69199401220972463810 60 120 126 132 186 210 216 222 246 300 306 312 372 43278
SPT(13)69199401220972464410 60 66 72 126 150 156 162 186 240 246 252 312138

Where: SPT - Symmetric Prime Tuples
TPT - Twin Prime Tuples
STPT - Symmetric Twin Prime Tuples

©2024 Natalia Makarova & Alex Belyshev & Tomáš Brada