Prime Tuple Database

Prime p0= 6919940122097246351 starts of symmetrical tuple of 17 consecutive primes (SPT).
dn: 0 30 60 60 6 6 54 24 6 6 24 54 6 6 60 60 30
an: 0 30 90 150 156 162 216 240 246 252 276 330 336 342 402 462 492
All 17 integers pn = p0+an = pn-1+dn are prime and there are no other primes in the gaps.
diameter: 492
Found by: ChelseaOilman
db: batch=113, k=17, 30 60 60 6 6 54 24 6
(todo: need make correct select from sql)
TPT(14)69199392715751661410 2 6 8 90 92 138 140 156 158 180 182 216 218-850522080210
STPT(10)69199395681085468670 2 24 26 42 44 60 62 84 86-553988699484
STPT(10)69199399680444606290 2 18 20 30 32 42 44 60 62-154052785722
SPT(19)69199401220972463030 48 78 138 198 204 210 264 288 294 300 324 378 384 390 450 510 540 588-48
SPT(15)69199401220972463810 60 120 126 132 186 210 216 222 246 300 306 312 372 43230
SPT(13)69199401220972464410 60 66 72 126 150 156 162 186 240 246 252 31290

Where: SPT - Symmetric Prime Tuples
TPT - Twin Prime Tuples
STPT - Symmetric Twin Prime Tuples

©2024 Natalia Makarova & Alex Belyshev & Tomáš Brada