Prime Tuple Database

Kind(k)Countpageslast batch
STPT(10)7819673400 (todo)
SPT(16)6458538330 (todo)
TPT(14)1849382100 (todo)
STPT(12)34942120 (todo)
SPT(18)27788820 (todo)
SPT(13)15131610 (todo)
TPT(16)5024610 (todo)
SPT(20)1235110 (todo)
SPT(15)139310 (todo)
TPT(18)138010 (todo)
SPT(22)57110 (todo)
STPT(14)42810 (todo)
TPT(20)4210 (todo)
SPT(24)2610 (todo)
SPT(17)2210 (todo)
STPT(16)2110 (todo)
TPT(22)310 (todo)
SPT(26)310 (todo)
SPT(19)310 (todo)
SPT(28)110 (todo)

Exporting tuples

Use tuples.php?[kind]=[k]&p=[page](todo 1)
(show like git spt_list.php (todo 2 correct) )
(or like spt_list.php (todo 3 correct) ) , where

  • kind is spt, stpt or tpt
  • k is the order of the tuple and number of primes in the tuple
  • k used to be number of pairs, which was confusing
  • page is integer 0, 1, 2...
  • add &cp for compact view
  • add &ln for clickable html output

Stable batch: (todo)
Batch list in work: counter(todo)
Batch list by user: counter(todo ???)
(need make caching result)

©2024 Natalia Makarova & Alex Belyshev & Tomáš Brada