The running Application stops.
The actual project manager Demis has been banned for systematically ignoring the administrator's questions regarding the essence of the project.
In addition, the running Application has exhausted itself.
This is too small a search range - up to 2^64.
We go further along the search range, where more interesting solutions can be found.
I suggested Demis to launch a second Application in the project for a larger search range, but he did not do it.
However, the proposal was made from the very beginning of the project.
As a result, a new BOINC project ODLK2025 was launched, which is a continuation of the SPT project at a higher level.
I suggest all participants who want to continue supporting this project to switch their capacities to the BOINC project ODLK2025
I thank everyone for participating in the project!
See more
and further
19 Feb 2025, 3:34:28 UTC
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PROJECT MAK renamed.
Please see the message
15 Dec 2024, 8:46:41 UTC
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New BOINC project
Corporal created and configured a server for a new project
Who can try to launch the BOINC project?
The software is ready.
You will get access to the server.
Please write to me
26 Nov 2024, 11:42:16 UTC
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Not a BOINC project
I have been waiting for Corporal to prepare a server for launching a new BOINC project for a very long time.
It has not been done yet.
The second Application in the running BOINC project SPT Demis does not want to launch.
That is why I am launching not a BOINC project.
It is unacceptable to postpone new algorithms indefinitely!
We must strive for progressive computing.
I ask everyone to take part in this project.
Please help the project move forward!
See detailed instructions below.
Я очень долго ждала, когда Corporal подготовит сервер для запуска нового BOINC-проекта.
До сих пор это не сделано.
Второе Приложение в работающем BOINC-проекте SPT Demis запускать не хочет.
Поэтому я запускаю не BOINC проект.
Недопустимо откладывать на неопределённое время новые алгоритмы!
Надо стремиться к прогрессивным вычислениям.
Прошу всех принять участие в этом проекте.
Пожалуйста, помогите проекту идти вперёд!
Далее смотрите подробные инструкции.
3 Sep 2024, 6:28:10 UTC
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Attention! Contest!
Primes k-tuple (2) competition is being held
See also topic (in Russian)
6 Jan 2024, 2:05:26 UTC
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Stop the project!
The BOINC project SPT does not work correctly.
See message
I ask Corporal to stop the project.
1 Dec 2023, 16:21:15 UTC
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The project has been stopped
Как автор проекта «Симметричные кортежи из последовательных простых чисел» я считаю данный BOINC-проект остановленным.
О причинах написано в теме
Я не могу остановить BOINC-проект технически, потому что не имею доступа к серверу.
As the author of the project “Symmetric tuples of sequential primes”, I consider this BOINC project to be stopped.
The reasons are written in the topic
I can't stop the BOINC project technically because I don't have access to the server.
1 Nov 2023, 1:06:38 UTC
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News from Conan
Stats are now on Free-DC, thanks Bok for adding this project.
Rare solutions
The following rare solutions were found in the project
4679308425291971279: 0 12 30 54 72 144 180 252 282 312 384 420 492 510 534 552 564 4787657908465021067: 0 36 90 156 216 240 246 294 330 366 414 420 444 504 570 624 660 6031294806199243111: 0 6 18 48 60 108 126 150 318 486 510 528 576 588 618 630 636 6254294998011830071: 0 30 42 60 96 102 120 180 246 312 372 390 396 432 450 462 492
4686452527338185687: 0 26 42 84 146 150 186 194 210 234 326 416 420 510 602 626 642 650 686 690 752 794 810 836 5179852391836338883: 0 6 16 34 64 66 108 174 198 214 220 226 288 294 300 316 340 406 448 450 480 498 508 514 5367691788896274911: 0 50 72 78 132 168 206 248 258 288 300 318 320 338 350 380 390 432 470 506 560 566 588 638 5498259426448114709: 0 18 50 60 74 78 92 104 108 110 162 204 248 290 342 344 348 360 374 378 392 402 434 452 5821555215042148069: 0 12 34 88 132 160 192 208 228 252 258 262 330 334 340 364 384 400 432 460 504 558 580 592 5992831885521587569: 0 72 88 112 114 130 144 154 168 192 222 240 262 280 310 334 348 358 372 388 390 414 430 502 6084429360777261647: 0 80 90 152 182 186 242 252 272 356 360 416 426 482 486 570 590 600 656 660 690 752 762 842 6088107348398350579: 0 64 154 160 210 250 274 292 342 358 370 414 538 582 594 610 660 678 702 742 792 798 888 952 6109180764555243559: 0 4 10 18 22 42 52 78 84 94 172 178 204 210 288 298 304 330 340 360 364 372 378 382 6116852902194972481: 0 10 12 18 78 136 172 178 192 258 328 342 376 390 460 526 540 546 582 640 700 706 708 718
5179852391836338871: 0 12 18 28 46 76 78 120 186 210 226 232 238 300 306 312 328 352 418 460 462 492 510 520 526 538
4712997307944436787: 0 2 12 14 42 44 90 92 132 134 180 182 210 212 222 224 5512467165717387017: 0 2 30 32 42 44 72 74 132 134 162 164 174 176 204 206 6012492175914927431: 0 2 66 68 150 152 180 182 276 278 306 308 390 392 456 458 6118066623221589779: 0 2 30 32 42 44 72 74 78 80 108 110 120 122 150 152 6235347969661701029: 0 2 42 44 72 74 192 194 198 200 318 320 348 350 390 392
Congratulations to crashtech participant!
crashtech was the first in the project to earn 10,000,000 points.
We congratulate him on this achievement!
Thank you for your great contribution to our project.
12 Sep 2023, 10:14:26 UTC
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Welcome to the Evrika team!
Dear project participants!
If you are not a member of any team, I invite you to the new Evrika team
I will be very grateful for your support.
3 Sep 2023, 17:47:03 UTC
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Congratulations to the TeAm AnandTech!
Congratulations to the TeAm AnandTech team for being the first to reach 10 million points!
Many thanks to the team members for their active work in our project.
23 Aug 2023, 5:15:45 UTC
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Found 26-tuple
This is the first 26-tuple
5179852391836338871: 0 12 18 28 46 76 78 120 186 210 226 232 238 300 306 312 328 352 418 460 462 492 510 520 526 538
The first Application is launched
The first Application of the project "Symmetric Tuples of Sequential Primes" is launched.
The application works on Windows and Linux.
Good results to all!
Please be with us.
25 Jul 2023, 18:43:17 UTC
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My algorithm in the BOINC project Gerasim@Home
One of my algorithms is running in the BOINC project Gerasim@Home
I invite everyone to participate in this project!
11 Jul 2023, 18:17:28 UTC
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Launch of the BOINC project SPT
Мы пытаемся запустить BOINC-проект SPT, который был остановлен в декабре 2022 года
Пока администратор настраивает сервер.
Мы будем признательны за вашу помощь в запуске BOINC-проекта.
Пожалуйста, приходите в тему
We are trying to start the BOINC SPT project which was stopped in December 2022
While the administrator configures the server.
We would appreciate your help in launching the BOINC project.
Please come to the topic
14 Jun 2023, 18:49:43 UTC
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©2025 Natalia Makarova & Alex Belyshev & Tomáš Brada